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Job Number: 2024-46255 - 05/27/2024
Department: School - Biochemistry & Molecular Biotechnology- W404000
Location: Worcester, MA
JOB DESCRIPTION: The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology invites applications for multiple postdoctoral positions in the laboratory of Dr. Qing Yu.Anyone with a research interest and experience in these areas is encouraged to apply. Visit the Yu lab website for more details: http…
Job Number: 2023-44134 - 10/30/2023
Department: School - Biochemistry & Molecular Biotechnology- W404000
Location: Worcester, MA
JOB DESCRIPTION: The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology invites applications or a postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. William Kobertz.This position is for an applicant who will use cellular imaging and electrophysiological techniques to fluorescently visualize extracel…

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